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  • Your company also earns Aeroméxico Rewards Points with KLM

Now your company earns Aeroméxico Rewards Points for its business flights with KLM.
Fly between Mexico and major cities in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

  • Verify Premier Point accrual

If you are not sure whether you entered your Aeroméxico Rewards account number when you booked, or someone else booked, your company’s Accrual Code must be entered before the flight:
OSI YY FQTC CorporateAccountNumber- 

For example, a KLM “Business” class flight from Mexico City to Amsterdam would earn Points according to the following table:


 Distance in KM

 Base accrual percentage

 Class bonus

 Aeroméxico Rewards Points earned

 Corporate account





 Personal account





  • Aeroméxico Rewards Points your company earns by flying KLM.

 Fare Class

 Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 50% of total Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 J, C, D, I, Z


fas fa-check fa-sm

Fare Class

Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

50% of total Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

P, F


fas fa-check fa-sm

 Fare Class

 Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 50% of total Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 Y, B


fas fa-check fa-sm

 Fare Class

 Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 50% of total Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 M, U, K, H, L, Q, T


fas fa-check fa-sm

Fare Class

 Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 50% of total Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 E, N, G


fas fa-check fa-sm

 Fare Class

Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

50% of total Base Aeroméxico Rewards Points

 R, V


fas fa-check fa-sm

  • Premier Point accrual

Remember: your employees and your company may both earn Points for the same trip. If you want your business trips to be logged automatically, go to klm.com.mx and follow these steps. 

  • 1
    Choose your itinerary

    Select your outward and return flight.

  • 2
    Enter your Aeroméxico Rewards personal account number

    Enter your personal Aeroméxico Rewards (Aeroméxico) account number after your personal information in the “Have a loyalty card?” section.

  • 3
    Complete your information

    Enter your e-mail and phone number.

  • 4
    Enter your Aeroméxico Rewards Business account number

     Answer “yes” to the question “Are you traveling on business?,” enter your 9-digit Aeroméxico Rewards Business account number and continue.

Complementary information

For business trips to be recorded in the Corporate Account automatically, your company’s Accrual Code must be entered before the flight: OSI YY FQTC CorporateAccountNumber-

Ask your travel agency or ticketing office to enter the aforementioned Code before booking.

If the ticket is purchased directly on the Aeroméxico, Delta, Air France or KLM Websites, enter the Corporate account number in the Passenger information section, before finalizing the booking.

Please note there is no retro-active accrual in this Program. It is thus mandatory to enter your Corporate account number while booking.

Companies registered with Aeroméxico Rewards Business may accumulate Aeroméxico Rewards Points on KLM flights, marketed and operated by KLM with a point of sale in MEXICO and originating in Mexico including a transatlantic flight segment.